I am bringing you some recipes in times of pandemic (never thought I was ever going to write this) but that is our reality at the moment, and most of us are not supposed to be outside, so while we have to stay at home, let’s start baking all day!
This is a very traditional South American dessert, my dad used to make this every time we had something special going on at the house. So I cant think of anything more special than a worldwide lockdown.
If you don’t have dulce de leche, you can make it, the easiest way if you have a pressure pot is to put a can of sweet condensed milk under water and cook for 1 hour, 3 hours if it is not a pressure one. Then when you open you have this delicious dulce de leche (way better than the store-bought one)
If not you could use the carnation one that it comes ready and in the case, you have none of these options you can make one at home from scratch, I am going to leave you this method in the recipe as well.
So hope you enjoy and start baking at home because I can’t think of anything more comforting at these uncertain times.