I haven’t been posting as many recipes as I would want to, but I always have it on my mind, so as I promised you, here I bring you an original tart that has me going crazy because I really love the color, it is so green! and it is not so usual we have green desserts in pastry and the color is completely natural, so I am really happy with the results. (it is not only because it is green, it is also really delicious)
The truth is that I am not a big fan of matcha tea, I have tried to drink it in a lot of different formats and I just don’t love it. But something magic happens every time I cook with it because I love it. In this recipe from Valrhona, I combined it with mint and red fruits and it really works well.
It is a really simple recipe, it is a matcha pastry cream with a sweet pastry dough that has a touch of lemon and on top a mint-infused chantilly cream. The color you achieve depends on the matcha tea you use, some of them have a culinary grade or are better quality than others. I am not completely sure of the differences between them, but the color will change from brand to brand.
These last few weeks I have had more time to bake at home, but I just felt I had lost inspiration to create something new, I didn’t know what to cook, so I started cleaning the kitchen and I founded at the end of my spices drawer I had this matcha tea that I bought like one year ago and hadn’t even opened it, so I had to use it.