I have a profound love for dulce de leche, in Chile, we have a slightly different dulce de leche, called manjar, but I am a bad Chilean and I prefer Argentinian one. Maybe it is because of my Argentinian dad, a lot of people say they are the same, but believe me, they are not the same. Living here in Paris there is a similar caramel, called Confiture de lait, but it is not similar to none of them. I wanted to eat “conitos de dulce de leche” because it reminds me of my childhood and I was feeling a little bit homesick so I decided to make this.
I used to love the “havanna” ones it is a famous brand in Argentina that makes this, but the last time I tried them they just weren’t what I remembered of my childhood, they were dry and disappointing. So I decided to do my own with the dulce de leche I had brought with me (yes I travel with dulce de leche in my bag, you should all do) but if you are not like me and don’t have dulce de leche, you can use any kind of milky caramel you have on hand.
You can also make your own caramel with a condensed milk can (it is my favourite) this recipe is really simple, you can use any cookie you have in hand, I baked my recipe of the speculoos cookie as a base, then I piped the dulce de leche, take it to the freezer 30 minutes, melt the chocolate pour the chocolate and voilá you have a delicious dessert.