If you are a chocolate chip cookie lover, you are in the right place, I have to say that after trying tons of cookie recipes I think I have found the perfect recipe that will work for sure. I love cookies that have a soft center and a little crunchy on the outside, with not too much buttery flavor and that the chocolate chips are made with real chocolate and I think that this recipe is perfect for that.
I have to say that the last couple of weeks I have been only eating cookies because I made too many and of course I had to try them all (just don’t tell my doctor or my mom) I know I have a problem with addiction to a homemade cookie, but who doesn’t? I just hope that is nothing that a week of exercises can’t fix (I hope)
This is a simple recipe, but you have to follow it step by step, but everything in baking is like that, you also have to use the bests ingredients. I always talk about chocolate, but it is just because it has to be real chocolate, I used chocolate chips and chocolate chunks from Whole Foods, they are just amazing and full of chocolate flavor and that is one of the secrets of this recipe.
In Chile it has happened to me that I go
to a bakery
ask for a chocolate chip cookie that looks incredible in the counter and when I eat it, it has no chocolate flavor
(I am not going to give names) but it makes me so angry. But
if you try this recipe
with REAL CHOCOLATE you are never going to go back. Chocolate chips cookies.
You can’t forget this steps to get the perfect cookie:
- Add enough flour so the batter is not sticky, but not too much so it is not dry
- Melt the butter (I didn’t use to do this step, but it makes all the difference)
- Don’t bake them too much, take them off the oven even if they don’t look cooked, if not they will not be soft in the inside.