New recipe! super easy to make, I promise, I know sometimes I write they are easy and then you write to me telling me they were not easy, but this one I promise it is. This is a typical Chilean treat, called chilenitos, it is similar to alfajores if you had heard of them. They are basically two cookies assembled together with caramel.
I love dulce de leche in any form, but since I moved to Paris I almost never eat it, but my parents came to visit and they brought dulce de leche in their bags, so I had to do something with it so I didn’t eat the whole thing with just a spoon.
If you are like me and cannot resist your desire to eat dulce de leche, you can make this super easy recipe. I would recommend you to let the dough rest because it lets more time for the flavors to set. Also, I recommend you to work the dough in baking paper so it is extremely fine, the finer the dough is the better results you will get.