It’s been so long since I posted a recipe, I am sorry for that, it has been a hard start for the new year. I left to Chile to spend New years with my family and when I came back to Cambridge I worked a week full time in the kitchen and left to Barcelona to do a Master in Chocolate in the EPGB.
It was amazing, I learned so much and met incredible people, the truth is that I didn’t want to come back to Cambridge. I loved Spain and the culture there is more similar to the Latins than England, where sometimes I feel out of place, even though I have been living here for a whole year, but I still don’t feel like it is my home.
I have to recognize that I made this cookie a long time ago, but I wasn’t able to upload the recipe, because I had no time, but I really hope this year I make more time to work in the blog and also translate my recipes to English, so I hope to catch up soon and post many recipes so you get to bake lots of sweets.
This are super easy cookies to make, basically is melting everything and mix, add dulce de leche and voilà, you have delicious cookies.
Dieter (my boyfriend) loved them so much, that I made a new batch and left it frozen, so when he wanted a cookie I would bake some. The touch of salt is everything, so don’t forget that step, because for me it makes all the difference, I used Fleur de sel and it makes is so delicious, so you feel the texture when you bite them.