I have to admit, I was never a fan of nougat, I always had an issue with my tooth after eating it, but then I moved to France and I tried the real nougat, the classic nougat in France is from Montelimar, but of course every country has their own version of it, like Spanish turron or Italian turrone. And now for sure, I understand all the fuzz about it, in Europe, it just has the perfect texture and chewiness.
I have to say it is not the easiest recipe because you have to keep an eye on two mixes at the same time and watch out for the temperatures, so you definitely are going to need a candy thermometer and a stand mixer, or even a handy helper to make this recipe.
Nougat or turrón like Spanish call it is a classic in Europe for Christmas time, it is perfect to eat it under the tree, while it is snowing outside. Now I absolutely love it so I decided to make my own recipe. This recipe holds for a long time actually, so it is perfect to give a gift on any occasion. I wrapped it in baking paper and everyone was so delighted and full of delicious nougat in their teeth, but don’t worry because this nougat is cavity free.
The temperature in which we cook the sugar is what makes a big difference in the texture and chewiness, if we want a really soft one we need to cook it in between 120ºC and 150ºC (248ºF- 302ºF) and if you want a harder one it is in between 165ºC and 170ºC (329ºF- 338ºF)