Sweetie Pie
  • Mirabelles clafoutis tart

    A summer french tart

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  • A clafoutis is a classic French dessert, it is usually made with cherries, but you can actually make it with any kind of fruits, I chose the mirabelles plums. The dough of the clafoutis is made with milk, butter, flour, eggs and sugar, this mix is poured on top of the tart with the fruits and then you leave it to jellify or set. Don’t you think that is the easiest recipe ever?

    It is extremely easy, you don’t have to have any culinary abilities, in fact, I actually didn’t like mine so much, I don’t think it looks pretty, because once it cooled it looked ugly, but it was still delicious and also it gave a home-baked look. I replaced the cherries for the plums because in France you can find mirabelles, and I just love them, they are beautiful, delicious and they have the most beautiful name that a fruit could have, I think that if I have a daughter I would name her Mirabelle.

    I really recommend you to enjoy this tart just when it is out of the oven, it is so delicious when it is warm. For me this tart really transports me to the south of Chile, in a rainy day, with the smell of wet grass and enjoyed with a cup of tea, I don’t think I need anything else in my life, for me that is happiness.

    Please do this recipe, it is extremely easy, you only need some minutes and it is so delicious. If you are lucky enough to enjoy a summer in France, don’t hesitate to try mirabelles in the market, they are superb, sweet and juicy, everything you are expecting from a fruit.

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    Mirabelles Clafoutis

    Preparation time: 2 hours
    Servings: 6-8 portions


    Tart dough (Recipe of the book Bouchon Bakery) 

    • 188 grs flour
    • 46 grs powder sugar
    • 47 grs  almond flour
    • 112 grs butter at room temperature
    • 28 grs eggs
    • 1/2 vanilla pod (seeds)

    Clafoutis filling 

    • 450 grs mirabelles plums or cherries (without the seed)
    • 100 grs granulated sugar
    • 100 grs flour
    • 4 eggs
    • 50 grs unsalted butter
    • 250 ml whole milk
    • 150 ml heavy cream


    Tart dough 

    1. Mix flour, butter and granulated sugar in a bowl, with your fingers or a kitchen aid, once you have crumbles, add yolks and vanilla. Only at the end add the cold water and only if it is necessary. Make a disc, cover it and take it to the fridge for at least 1 hour.
    2. Preheat the oven to 180ºC, roll the dough in between two parchment papers until it has an even 3 mm of thickness. Put the dough in a 25 cms diameter mold, refrigerate for 30 minutes.
    3. Bake for 8 minutes or until it is golden, let it cool.

    Clafoutis filling

    1. Take out the stone of the mirabelle, trying to not break the fruit and keep in the fridge.
    2. Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
    3. Whip the eggs and incorporate little by little the granulated sugar and the flour, add the milk and cream, at last, add the melted butter. Whip until it is all combined.
    4. On top of the pre-baked tart put the mirabelles and cover with the cream, take to the oven for 45 minutes or until the top is lightly golden.

    Take out of the oven and voilà ¡Bon appétit!

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